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Kategorie – All about travel

Good reasons for international health insurance

When you think about your holiday, you usually dream of sunny beaches, dreamlike landscapes or snow-capped mountains. The gray tiles of a doctor’s office, on the other hand, are unlikely to come to mind. But even abroad, no one is immune to illness and injury – which can be quite expensive under certain circumstances. This is because the statutory health...

The most spectacular waterfalls in the world

Waterfalls are among the most impressive spectacles that nature has to offer. With their thundering masses of water that plunge down from a great height, they exert a great fascination on every viewer. Waterfalls can be characterized by their height, width or amount of water and therefore it is actually imprecise to speak of the “largest” waterfalls in...

Holidays with baby: Experience a great holiday with a toddler

For many young parents, the question arises from the age of two or three at the latest whether it is already time to take a first trip together with the child. Many are afraid of stress or lack of relaxation on holiday together with the toddler. There are many ways to make a holiday with a baby a great memory. The birth of a child is a life-changing event and...

The ski hut as the perfect accommodation for a winter holiday

For many Germans, winter holidays are just the right way to relax during the cold season. Especially around the holidays, the opportunity to travel to the south alone or with your partner and family is used. Winter sports, seclusion or a little relaxation in the middle of the popular ski resorts beckon. But instead of reaching for the hotel, you can also rent a ski...

Winter camping – 10 tips for a great holiday

Camping in winter – in icy temperatures around freezing point? Camping enthusiasts love to go on holiday with a motorhome even in winter. Even chilblains can be a good thing for a camping holiday in the cold season, when the wanderlust becomes too strong and the mountain calls loudly for you. In the winter months, from the beginning of November to the end of...

Beautiful diving destinations in winter

Winter is the travel time for divers. But which destinations are really worth it? Where are the most beautiful diving areas in the world? Which waters are particularly rich in fish in winter and where can you also watch whales or sea turtles? Below you will find all the important information. The diving areas of the Sinai Egypt is home to the most beautiful diving...

Winter holidays – relaxed holidays for people and animals

In summer and winter, pet owners are repeatedly faced with the problem that the animals have to be cared for during the holiday season. While this can usually be organized quite well with small animals, dog and cat owners face a bigger problem. While the decision for cats usually boils down to the fact that they are better accommodated in a kennel or in their...

City trip – exciting days in the metropolises of this world

The latest surveys confirm the general trend: the city trip is not only extremely popular with short vacationers. What makes city trips so attractive is quickly apparent: Within a few days, city travellers can immerse themselves in the culture and traditions of a country, explore numerous sights and, last but not least, take part in a wide variety of local events...

Creole cuisine

The mixture of the most diverse European, African and indigenous influences has created a unique form of culinary cultures in the Caribbean. Today, the term Creole cuisine is known not only for the various recipes and dishes from the Caribbean region, but also for the most famous dishes from Louisiana in the United States. A look at the Creole cuisine is always...