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Kategorie – All about travel

The hottest English-speaking destinations in the world!

Whether backpacking or all-inclusive vacation: the most exciting thing about a vacation is to immerse yourself in both the everyday life and the peculiarities of foreign cultures. But sometimes this is easier said than done, especially when you think about the language barrier that makes many things more difficult – “Lost in translation” is the...

E-foiling – what’s behind the new trend?

Still a rarity in our waters, you can already see them gliding over the surface of the water in Hawaii, California and other famous surf spots around the world: We’re talking about e-foils. The sensational sport is equally interesting for beginners and surf pros – and is slowly but surely making its way into Europe. We take a look at what’s behind...

How the pandemic will change air travel

The beginning of 2021 is also marked by the pandemic. Travel to foreign countries is severely restricted. But what impact will Covid-19 have on our future air travel? We spoke to Sergio Colella, President of SITA for Europe (SITA is the world’s leading specialist in communication and information technology in aviation) about measures and future technology. Mr...

Active winter holidays: More than just skiing

Anyone can go on a winter holiday, but in the long run even skiing and snowboarding become boring. However, this does not mean that you have to cancel your winter holiday. There are still a lot of activities off the beaten track. Snow and ice have much more to offer. In addition, the most beautiful areas for your winter holiday in Europe make it very easy for you to...

Thailand: The tourism crisis and the consequences for animal welfare

About 40 million foreign tourists have recently traveled to Thailand every year, including more than 800,000 Germans. Particularly popular with European guests is the free time around Christmas and the turn of the year, when many escape the uncomfortable winter weather at home. But due to the Corona pandemic, everything is different this year: Tourism has come to a...

Eco-friendly travel equipment

Surely every time you travel, you ask yourself how environmentally friendly it is. On the one hand, environmental awareness increases by using your bike rather than the car or switching from plastic bottles to glass, and on the other hand, you would of course like to travel. Knowing full well that a long-haul flight causes as much emissions per person as if you were...

Holidays in 2021

This year, unfortunately, the well-deserved vacation has been cancelled for many people due to the Corona crisis. After all, the borders were closed for a few months due to the epidemic and due to the travel warnings, many people refrained from vacationing to other countries. In some cases, the various regions in Germany experienced a boom, which were able to enjoy a...

These technical devices should not be missing on any trip!

Whether it’s a business trip or a pleasure, preparing for a vacation is never easy. Despite pages of packing lists, there is always something you forget to pack. However, frequent flyers and experienced travelers have gained a lot of expertise in recent years when it comes to efficient and best packing. In addition to essential things such as the passport and...

Start the winter sports season safely

Snowboarding, skiing, ice climbing – hardly any other leisure activity is as varied as outdoor sports in winter. Rapid descents alternate with relaxing hours in the midst of untouched nature. A break from everyday life included. The longing for this tempting mixture of activity and tranquillity attracts millions of winter sports fans to Europe’s ski resorts...

10 tips for your holiday trip with pets

If you’ve ever been on vacation with a dog, cat, guinea pig, ferret, or other pet, you may know that things don’t always go as smoothly as you might have imagined. To make the trip with your four-legged friend as relaxed as possible, we have summarized 10 simple tips for you. Prepare well for the trip If you are traveling with your pet, the amount of...