As early as the 19th century, the aspiring bourgeoisie appreciated the summer retreat at the stalls of the Baltic Sea. Within Germany, there is probably no other destination that enjoys such great popularity. This is due to various factors, whereby the selection of possibilities, sights and, of course, unforgettable impressions are likely to be decisive for the choice of this holiday destination. The Baltic Sea is always worth a trip and everyone who has ever been here wants to go back to the picturesque beaches.
What does the Baltic Sea have that others don’t?
If you know a little about geography, you will quickly notice that the Baltic Sea is not a sea like any other . Many even think at first glance at the map that it is actually a kind of lake. But that is not true. It is true that the Baltic Sea is an inland sea and that makes it much larger than a lake could ever be. There are some places along the German and European coasts that are always worth a visit and offer many amenities and variety for guests of all ages. Take advantage of the opportunity for an overview of the most famous holiday resorts on the Baltic Sea to get an easy start in choosing the best holiday destination.
The Baltic Sea is ideal for families, singles and seniors

Everyone knows Warnemünde and other well-known places, at least by name. But what makes the Baltic Sea such a popular sea? Compared to the North Sea , the Baltic Sea is much milder. There are few high waves here and the climate is also much friendlier due to the inland location. If you are looking for the charm of the rough Atlantic coast, you unfortunately have to refrain from it on the Baltic Sea. On the other hand, there is a picturesque view of the endless expanses of the sea and many of the most beautiful beaches in Germany. Holidays on the Baltic Sea usually take place in the state of Schleswig-Holstein . Tourism is accordingly an important economic sector in the region and is lovingly cultivated. From the sunny island of Fehmarn, to the submarine monument in Laboe and many other attractions, the Baltic Sea really has something to offer for everyone and is always a perfect holiday destination.
This is how the perfect holiday on the Baltic Sea is planned
Planning is half the holiday and this golden rule of course also applies to holidays on the Baltic Sea. The problem is that there is really a huge selection of beautiful places and sights. Often one visit is not enough to discover all the beaches and heathlands. Not to mention the numerous attractions in the hinterland. When it comes to accommodation, you can choose between hotels, holiday homes and youth hostels, as well as a wide selection of private accommodation. There is also significant leeway in terms of price and ultimately the Baltic Sea holiday is also so popular because of the possibility of a cheap holiday. The Baltic Sea is simply there for everyone and that is also part of the charm of this holiday region. Anyone who has visited once will be happy to come back and enjoy the hospitality of one of the most beautiful regions in Europe. Because on the beaches of the Baltic Sea, every holiday will be perfect.
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