Savannah – a highlight of the American South

Malerisches Ufer in Savannah, Georgia, Bild: Sean Pavone / shutterstock

When you think of an American city, you usually think of skyscrapers, bustling streets and thriving modernity. However, visitors to the city of Savannah on the coast of the state of Georgia are presented with a completely different picture. Savannah is known for its historic architecture, dreamy romance, and picturesque surroundings. The Historic District is one of the best-preserved and largest contiguous old towns in the entire country and is an impressive witness to past centuries. Today, the city is home to just over 300,000 people and can be reached from Germany in about 13 hours with usually only one change by plane. Attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each year with its cobblestone streets, parks, and historic buildings, Savannah is one of the flagship cities of the U.S. South. The city is regularly named one of the must-see cities in the United States .

The Best of Savannah

Old Town Savannah

River Street, Savannah
River Street, Image: Sean Pavone / shutterstock
Architecturally, Savannah’s Old Town easily outshines most other cities in the United States. The historic core of the city was built in the 18. And It was planned and built according to a regular pattern in the 19th century and is one of the largest National Historic Landmarks in the United States in terms of area. A highlight of the old town are the 22 parks and park-like squares, each of which forms the centre of a quarter of residential buildings. The distances between the individual parks are usually only a few hundred meters. Each of the squares is dedicated to a famous personality and has a monument on it. The first 6 of the squares were opened in the years 1733 to 1742.

The Telfair Museum

Telfair Museum, Savannah
The Telfair Museum, Image: Fotoluminate LLC / shutterstock
The Telfair Museum in Savannah is the oldest art museum in the southern states. It was donated by the namesake Mary Telfair and opened its doors to visitors in 1886. It includes a total of three locations, but all of them are included in the admission ticket. Built in 1818, the Telfair family’s mansion is home to the Telfair Academy, which showcases European and American art from the 19. And 20th century. In the immediate vicinity, the modern Jepson Center opened in 2006, which today houses contemporary art, seasonal exhibitions and a children’s gallery. The third location is located in the Owans-Thomas House, which is only about 600 meters away.

Fort Pulaski

About 22 kilometers east of the city center, at the mouth of the Savannah River into the Atlantic Ocean, is the former coastal fort Fort Pulaski. It was built between 1829 and 1847 and was named after the Polish general Casimir Pulaski, who fought as a soldier in the American Revolutionary War. The fort has a pentagonal shape and is surrounded by a moat. The first soldiers did not move in until 1860 and just two years later the fort was taken by the troops of the Northern states during the American Civil War. After the end of the war, the fort served as a prison. Since 1924, the fort has no longer been used for military purposes and is now a National Monument. The fort now receives around 300,000 visitors every year.

The Savannah Theatre

The Savannah Theatre opened in 1818 and is now one of the longest-running theaters in the entire United States. It is located in Chippewa Square. Since its opening, the theatre has been damaged, renovated and structurally altered several times. Since 2002, it has been used regularly for film screenings and live performances. A visit to the Savannah Theatre offers guests of the city a unique insight into the arts and culture of Savannah and the southern states.

The American Prohibition Museum

In the American Prohibition Museum Savannah, the museum is combined with a pub. The museum is not only the first in the USA to show special exhibits from the Prohibition era, but it also has a true-to-the-original bar from this time to offer its visitors. The approximately 200 exhibits include historic distilleries and converted historic vehicles that were used to smuggle alcohol. In the evening, authentic cocktails from the 1920s are served in an authentic atmosphere at the museum bar.

Tybee Island

Tybee Island, savannah
Tybee Island, Image: SFP Aerial Stock Footage / shutterstock
About 25 kilometers east of Savannah is the picturesque island of Tybee Iceland. The island is the easternmost point of the US state of Georgia. It is also home to the oldest lighthouse in the state, built in 1736, which towers over the island at a height of 27 meters. From the top there is a great view of the sea and the surrounding area. The island is a popular excursion destination for city dwellers and has numerous beautiful beaches, shopping opportunities as well as cycling and hiking trails.

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