Traveling with CBD products: What should you pay attention to?

Was SIe mit CBD-Produkten im Urlaub beachten müssen, Bild: Shutter z / shutterstock

CBD products are a blessing against various ailments of the skin and psyche. When traveling, it is difficult to do without or is not possible from a medical point of view. When carrying appropriate preparations, careful research protects against unpleasant surprises in dreamland.

Research general country permits at the Federal Foreign Office

The legalization of CBD products is progressing worldwide. But not everywhere do the regulatory authorities make a distinction between CBD and THC. Products with both contents are subject to limit values. Exceedances are severely punished. Therefore, travelers should research the respective rules in the vacation country in advance. Specific information is available online from each Federal Foreign Office. An alternative is to ask at the respective country embassy, either online or by phone. Not all countries make an exception for CBD products on prescription. Here, too, timely advance information protects against criminal risks and health disadvantages.

Import regulations for CBD products in other European countries

In most EU member states, import regulations are similar. CBD products may contain a maximum of 0.2 percent THC. But in individual cases, this limit is reduced to 0.1 percent. Because the regulations are constantly changing with the advancing court proceedings and bills, the information from the previous year is not sufficient for correct compliance with the regulations in the year of travel. Even if you stay in the same EU country again after three months, a lot can change. The few minutes for reading through the official country regulations on the country pages can easily be combined into the search for the most beautiful hotspots of the dream country.

Check customs regulations in non-EU countries again shortly before you travel

The approval of CBD products may differ from customs regulations in some holiday countries. In any case, the CBD products are better kept in hand luggage than in a suitcase when passing through customs. In addition, the quantity carried should correspond to the normal consumption during the duration of the stay. In some cases, customs clearance is mandatory, but import is not restricted. But who is supposed to know their way around this jungle of destinations? A good solution is to buy CBD and ask at the pharmacy about possible restrictions abroad. The experts often know the websites of their colleagues in the respective target country and can provide more detailed information than the generally accessible Internet.

Respecting social customs

CBD products do not find general social acceptance everywhere. This is because the THC content of less than 0.2 percent certified in Germany is not always guaranteed in foreign products. In some places, products with 0.3 percent THC trigger psychoactive side effects despite their purely health use. Mainly for religious reasons, locals abroad therefore reject the consumption of CBD products. If the souvenirs from home are only for evening relaxation, they should be avoided out of consideration for the few days of vacation or the consumption should be hidden.

Safe amounts of CBD in your luggage

Apart from the often fictitious promises of effectiveness of some CBD products, the amount in the luggage is regulated differently. A general reference is the recommendation “As intended for normal use during the holiday period according to packaging recommendation or medical prescription”. The term is elastic, which is why it is better to travel one bottle or jar less. Also because of the proper storage of opened packages, which is not guaranteed everywhere, any excess is not recommended. If more is needed for family use, a desired amount can be divided among the accompanying persons. This saves everyone annoying inquiries or even the removal of the permitted CBD products before departure or departure.

Acquiring CBD products in the target country

CBD products are even offered with coffee in restaurants in some destination countries with relaxed regulations. As tempting as that is, trying it out is not advisable. This is because neither manufacturers nor testing institutions can be checked by foreign holidaymakers. Therefore, an impermissibly high THC content cannot be ruled out. Where the provisions for the purchase are not known, the sale may also be prohibited. Ignorance does not protect foreign buyers from complicity. A polite “No, thank you” is therefore better than careless grabbing. The purity of the CBD components can also hardly be checked quickly, nor can the clean production and thus maximum desired effect of a product.

Consider CBD consumption country-specific

Some countries prohibit the cultivation, sale, possession and consumption of any cannabis products, even those with less than 0.1 percent THC. Carrying your own CBD products can cause significant problems there, even in small quantities, and can result in drastic penalties such as jail time, harsh fines, or a lifelong entry ban. Where legalization has already been completely legalized, the regulations are sufficiently loose for the amount of consumption brought along. Nevertheless, there may be legal border regulations, which should be read through in advance, despite all the joy about the relaxed approach.

If necessary, have it certified by a doctor

Legal tolerance and strictness of controls in the destination country do not always coincide. A doctor’s certificate for certain CBD products offers a bit more security. It should be made out bilingually so that the control officers in the destination country do not have to work with interpreters first. If there is no such certificate, the products are treated like narcotics without seeing the ingredients on the packaging and are either prohibited or waved through as permitted. Despite so much certainty about the take-away regulations, a responsible doctor will always consult with foreign colleagues or health authorities. This is because a medical certificate is not universally recognized as a carte blanche for CBD possession.

Don’t hide travel supplies

In general, CBD products and preferably the complete first-aid kit belong in your hand luggage, whether on plane, train, ship or car travel. Each individual product is best packaged in a transparent sleeve. This means that it can be examined individually from all sides during the inspection. Necessary certificates and the vaccination card valid for the destination country should also be kept ready in the same way. Some control procedures may seem cumbersome to travelers. But they share the supposed waste of time with the inspectors. They also like it best when they can check everything as quickly and thoroughly as possible and wave it through.

It’s better not to bring D products from your holiday

Perhaps CBD products are much cheaper from domestic use abroad. But even with a good knowledge of the language, there are often differences in the declaration regulations. Not everywhere do the proportions of CBD and THC have to be clearly delineated and named individually in 0.x percent. Caution is all the more important with labels without any such information. The beneficial effect known from the usual CBD product can be absent due to only slightly changed compositions or lead to undesirable side effects. Such health risks are not worth the few euros saved by shopping abroad.

Traveling with CBD products requires thorough preliminary research to rule out financial or even legal risks. In the case of taking it due to chronic illnesses, a corresponding medical certificate should be included in the luggage directly with the prescribed product. The purchase of foreign CBD products in the destination country is not advisable due to the lack of uniformly regulated declaration of the composition.

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