Your rights in the event of a flight delay

Ist ein Flug mehr als 3 Stunden verspätet haben Sie Anspruch auf finanzielle Entschädigung, Bild: Sergey Furtaev / shutterstock

Maybe you’ve experienced the situation before – because it’s not that rare: You’re sitting at the airport, your suitcases have been checked in and then nothing works anymore because your flight is delayed. It can quickly happen that you are still bored at the gate after a few hours, even though you have long wanted to enjoy the cocktail by the pool.

Flight Delayed Compensation – You are entitled to compensation. We have summarized the most important questions and answers on the subject of “flight delays” below.

How much compensation is I entitled to in the event of a flight delay?

According to EU law, their entitlement is based on the flight distance booked. If you have justified claims, you can claim 250 euros for a distance of 1,500 kilometers. This increases from 400 euros (up to 3,500 kilometers) to a claim amount of 600 euros. However, in order to receive financial compensation, their flight must be delayed for at least three hours.

However, the duration of the delay of a roll also counts here. After just two hours, you will have food claims (free drinks and meals) from the airline.

From a delay of five hours, passengers have the option of cancelling the flight and having the cost of the flight ticket refunded. If there is an alternative way to reach your destination (e.g. by train), you are also entitled to cost coverage. If, on the other hand, you can only reach your holiday destination one day later due to a flight rebooking, you can use the rights to cover the accommodation costs.

What does the EU Air Passenger Rights Regulation mean for flight delays?

Flight delay services
You are entitled to services from the airline from a delay of two hours or more, Image: Monkey Business Images / shutterstock

The above-mentioned claims fall under the Air Passenger Rights Regulation (EU Air Passenger Law 261/2004). This comes into force when the airline is based in the EU. For example, a refund from Eurowings in the event of a delay. However, it also applies if the flight with take-off and landing takes place within the territory of the EU. It does not matter whether the airline of the booked flight is based within the EU. It also applies if the flight started within the EU and ends outside the European Union. Caution: If the flight of a non-EU-based airline company departs from outside the EU with a delay, you are not entitled under EU air passenger law.

This also applies to flights that include connecting flights and are booked as total flights. In this case, both flights will be treated as a single flight and the total delay must be at least three hours to make a claim.

What is needed for the compensation application?

In order to apply for compensation, you must collect and submit the following documents:

  • You will need a boarding pass with a flight number
  • You will need the proof of purchase of the flight booking
  • Collect any additional receipts (e.g. hotel accommodation, train tickets, taxi fares, meal receipts)
  • Get confirmation from the airline about the flight delay at the airport
  • As additional evidence, take a photo of the departure board
  • When applying, state the reason for the flight delay

You can assert your claims in Germany within three years. Internationally, the limitation periods may differ. As a general rule, the sooner you submit your compensation claim, the better.

Does my entitlement also apply to a business trip?

In general, you as a traveller are entitled to compensation and not your employer. Even if you have not booked or paid for the ticket. However, please note special agreements in your employment contract.

My package tour is delayed. Am I entitled to compensation?

The basis for compensation claims in the event of a delayed package tour is the Frankfurt Table. A delay therefore counts as a travel defect. In the event of a departure delayed by more than 4 hours, you are entitled to a refund of 5% of the travel price. For each additional hour of delay, you will receive 5% of the average daily price of the trip


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