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Gut vorbereitet auf den Road Trip, Bild: ESB Professional / shutterstock

Travel tips for a road trip

Between imagination and reality

A long road, sunshine, loud music and a car full of good-humoured people sticking their hands out of the open top of the car – these are the typical images that shoot through your head when you think of a road trip.

However, if you are planning a road trip, you should take into account that especially in Germany , only a few kilometer-long, straight and hardly used roads are rather rare. Likewise, the local weather makes it difficult to rely on being able to drive with the top down, sunroof open or open windows. Therefore, it is important to prepare for all eventualities, such as traffic jams, bad weather and crowded roads, before starting the road trip. Only the good mood has to be taken care of spontaneously.

Well prepared for any weather

You can’t influence the external conditions, but you can influence the equipment of the car and the equipment for the road trip.

Bad weather not only often ruins the mood, but can also leave quite a mess in the car. For example, if you want to make a stop in the rain, you should provide good floor mats to keep the car as clean as possible. Easy to clean and beautiful in design are, for example, floor mats from the Mercedes brand of floor mats.

Rain ponchos are also useful in rainy weather. Here you can freely choose between disposable and reusable products. The advantage of the disposable product is clearly the space saving, whereas reusable ponchos are much more sustainable and therefore more environmentally friendly. In addition, these often keep the rain out better than disposable products, as their material is thicker.

An insider tip for bad weather is also to always have a blanket on board so that you can make yourself comfortable in the car.

In hot temperatures, on the other hand, enough drinks must be packed in any case. A cool box with ice packs provides a special refreshing kick here, which keeps the drinks cold. It is also advisable to check the air conditioning – if available – for its functionality before starting the road trip.

Tips and tricks for a good mood

Music Road Trip
Good music is one of the decisive factors for a good mood on a road trip, Image: silverkblackstock / shutterstock

In contrast to the weather, which cannot be influenced, the mood of the passengers is very much in their hands.

What should never be missing on a road trip is therefore good music. In order not to waste time in the car downloading the right songs, it makes sense to create a playlist of feel-good songs before the start of the journey. This way, bad mood and boredom do not arise in the first place.

Snacks are also a good tip against a bad mood, because hunger not only affects the stomach, but also the mind. Good alternatives here are, for example, pretzel sticks, rolls, fruit and vegetables. To keep the car clean, the floor mats of the Mercedes brand are recommended. Thanks to the Mercedes floor mats, crumbs and other food scraps do not end up on the floor of the car, but the Mercedes floor mats can be easily shaken out and cleaned at the next stop.

In addition to snacks and good music, small games also help against a low mood. A tried and tested and popular game on long car journeys is “I see ‘something’ that you don’t see“. It not only dispels boredom and travel time, but also helps to perceive the surroundings much more attentively. Guessing games and a quiz can also lift the mood. Another advantage of this type of game is that the driver can also take part. With card or board games, on the other hand, this is a bit problematic.

Get started

So now all you have to do is pack the car and the journey can begin!