To the perfect holiday with the right travel planning

Vorab die Reise richtig planen, Bild: sebra / shutterstock

If you want to see as much as possible on your holiday, you have to choose a route that includes many destinations. Most travelers then resort to one of many offered boat trips, as it allows you to travel comfortably from one place to the next without changing the means of travel. But such a ship is not always affordable or a ship can reach destinations that you have chosen yourself. You are bound to fixed routes. If you want to be free on your travels, it’s best to plan your trip yourself from scratch. This is how the most beautiful and adventurous breaks from everyday life succeed!

Tips for stress-free travel planning

How to plan a trip also needs to be learned or well organized. Because spontaneous bookings or ideas don’t always help to design the perfect trip. We have collected tips here that are guaranteed to help you plan your trip stress-free.

Tip 1: What are the expectations of the trip?

To find out where you want to go, you should first decide for yourself what you expect from the trip. Do you want to spend a beach holiday by the sea, lie in the sun for many hours and just make yourself comfortable with a cocktail or a good book or do you expect many sights, maybe even adventure, definitely action and wanderlust? Depending on the personal expectations attached to a trip, the destination must also be chosen. Let’s continue with the journey itself: if you travel alone, by what means do you want to travel, how many hours do you want to be on the road (at the most), etc. All these questions can help to narrow down potential travel destinations.

Tip 2: Is there a specific date for the trip?

If it is clear from the beginning in which period (and at what time of year) you want to travel, a destination is also quite easy to identify. Going to a winter destination in winter that offers special ski resorts or going to a country in the summer months where it is not exactly over 40 degrees makes the destinations narrow down here as well.

If there is no specific date for the trip, you should consider a few things:

When is the best time to travel?

There is always a high season and a low season. The high season or high season for travel is usually during the holiday months and is therefore easy to determine. The low season is outside of this. Depending on how high the budget is, you can also switch from the high season to the low season (this is especially advisable if you don’t have school-age children or you don’t want to travel to crowded resorts).

Which season suits best?

Depending on which country you want to travel to, you also have to consider the different seasons, because it is not always summer there when it is summer in Germany .

Tip 3: What do I want to experience and what can I book in advance?

Of course, you can see what you want to do on site, but you can also save yourself this (precious) vacation time and do the necessary research from home with the help of tourist information offices of the respective country, travel guides or even travel blogs. Tickets for attractions are booked quickly and usually land digitally on the mobile phone. Not only sights, but also tickets for transport options at the destination can be booked from home. For example, if you travel to Barcelona, you can save money there with the Barcelona Card (an online comparison of which card is best suited to your own needs is worthwhile!).

It is also helpful to obtain information from the Foreign Office, because there are not only travel warnings, but also whether entry is subject to certain regulations.

Tip 4: Is your decision the right one for you?

This step is one of the most important and therefore also essential for travel planning: Information has been obtained, sights have been researched and the right dates have been found, but is this destination really what I want to visit now? Here it is important to think about it again carefully. If not, you start again at 0. If the decision fits, it’s time for the next step!

Tip 5: Book the trip and fix everything!

The trip is complete with the booking, so you choose carefully whether you determine the itinerary yourself and thus remain spontaneous or whether you hand over the planning to a travel agency. If you decide on the first option, you should always consult comparison portals when booking accommodation (or ask the accommodation itself) – there are usually price differences that you can take advantage of. Sights and maps for public transport can also be booked in advance and printed out or carried in digital form (please pay attention to what is recognised in the respective country).

Tip 6: You can’t do without a travel checklist!

When everything is booked and the trip is ready, the rest is actually just a formality: tackle the checklists and tick everything off one after the other.

There are many packing lists for the respective destinations or types, here you can carefully choose what you need yourself and what you don’t. Especially when traveling abroad , some regulations, such as the right travel document (visa or passport) and also the correct health care should be observed.

Safe travels!

If all our tips and tricks are followed, the planned trip can only become a good trip. We wish you a relaxing and stress-free holiday!

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