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Texel bietet schöne Strände und Natur pur, Bild: TasfotoNL / shutterstock

Texel – All of Holland on one island

Off the North Holland coast lies a chain of islands – the West Frisian Islands. The largest of the eight islands is Texel, which belongs to the province of Noord-Holland. Texel is known for beautiful sandy beaches and the Texel sheep, which is present everywhere on the island. But Texel is not only the largest Wadden Island, it is also the most diverse.

Texel – Easily accessible by ferry

On the western side of the island lies the rough North Sea. On the opposite side is the Wadden Sea. In between, a beautiful landscape with charming island villages enchants. This makes Texel a popular destination for holidaymakers from all over Europe. With a length of around 23 kilometres and a width of almost 10 kilometres, the island is manageable. In contrast to the other West Frisian islands, Texel can be navigated by car. Holidaymakers can reach the island in just under 20 minutes by ferry.

Sun, beach and sea

Mile of the North, Texel
In the north of Texel, Image: Steven Van Verre / shutterstock

From the northern to the southern tip of the west side stretches a 30-kilometre-long sandy beach. In front of it lies the North Sea, behind it a dune belt. This belt is very wide in the north and south, and much narrower in the middle. The dunes partly merge into heath or forest landscapes towards the centre of the island. In contrast, the east coast of Texel with the calm Wadden Sea and dikes. The interior of the island is flat with fields and pastures. It is almost as if the most beautiful sides of Holland have been combined on this small island.

Den Burg – The centre of Texel

Centrally located and the centre of the island is the town of Den Burg. This is where the island’s tourist information office is located. A historic town centre with nice restaurants and small shops is a magical attraction for guests of the island. Accessories around the sea, decorative items and pretty souvenirs are represented here as well as fashion and lifestyle. Den Burg impresses with its historic houses and the highest church tower on the island. This can even be climbed. A museum, a cinema and a swimming pool are available to guests.

De Koog, lively centre for water sports

De Koog is located directly on the North Sea beach. Only the dunes separate the village with the lovely center from the beautiful beach and the North Sea. Due to its location, De Koog is a popular tourist resort with hotels, campsites and holiday parks. This is where sun worshippers and water sports enthusiasts meet. Surfers and surfers especially love the hotspots at beach posts 17 and 19. There is always something going on in De Koog. Here the evening can be long.

The Duinen van Texel National Park

Directly adjacent to De Koog is the Duinen van Texel National Park. The national park stretches from north to south over the entire dune area as well as the forest of the island. Here, nature lovers will find a colourful variety of landscapes, flora and fauna. Hikers are welcome, but also cyclists and horseback riders. There is a large network of trails in the national park. However, not all regions of the national park are freely accessible. It is divided into special zones, which can be seen on maps of the park.


Seal Sanctuary Ecomare

But De Koog has even more to offer. To the south of the village is the aquarium and seal sanctuary Ecomare. Here guests get a wonderful overview of the flora and fauna on the island, in the Wadden Sea and the North Sea. Special attention is paid to the seal. The Ecomare houses a sanctuary for these animals. Around 25 seals, mostly juveniles, are nursed back to health and nursed back to health. After that, they are released back into their natural habitat. However, around 20 animals live permanently in the Ecomare. They can no longer be released into the wild. Open aquariums facing the North Sea, various exhibitions on nature conservation, fishing, dike construction and shipping complete the extensive offer of this institution on the island of Texel.

The landmark of the island

De Cocksdorp is located in the north of the island, close to Texel’s landmark, the lighthouse. It has existed since 1864 because the area around Texel was considered particularly dangerous for shipping. The lighthouse is open to the public. In a small exhibition, visitors can find out about its history. 118 steps lead to the gallery. It is located at an altitude of 45 meters above sea level. The view over the North Sea, Wadden Sea and island is stunning.

Artists’ Village Den Hoorn

Den Hoorn, Texel
The church of Den Hoorn at sunrise, Image: Sara Winter / shutterstock

Den Hoorn is located in the middle of tulip fields and impresses with its romantic church. Den Hoorn is the village of artists who live in the small and cozy streets. The village has several galleries that display and offer works by old Texler masters as well as modern artists.

Historic villages and fishing

In the interior of the island are the historic villages of Oosterend and De Waal. Many think Oosterend is the most beautiful village on the island. The center is the Maartenskerk. It dates back to the Middle Ages. Around the church there is a picturesque villagescape with old facades. Oudeschild on the Wadden Sea is the starting point for boat trips or fishing. Here you will find the Kaap Skil Sea and Flotsam Museum. Lovers of the sea will find exciting information about historical shipping here. The finds that were recovered from old wrecks are fascinating.

The Texel sheep

In addition to the lighthouse in the north of the island, Texel has another landmark – the Texel sheep. Around 14,000 of the animals live here on the island. That’s almost as many sheep as islanders. Sheep are therefore also present throughout the island. Be it on the pastures in the interior of the island, as a work of art or as a souvenir for loved ones at home. As a souvenir, one of these sheep can remind you of a wonderful holiday on a picturesque and varied island.