Jersey – Island on Her Majesty’s doorstep

Jersey bietet traumhafte Strände, Bild: Kiev.Victor / shutterstock

In the freshness of the morning hour, the idyllic villages and hamlets of Jersey unfold a unique atmosphere. Nature awakens – very carefully – and thus adapts to the conditions on this beautiful Channel Island.

Haste is a foreign word here, and this is more of a refuge for people who are at peace with themselves or are looking for this peace. Two cultures have shaped Jersey. That of the English and that of the French. And since Jersey is on Her Majesty’s doorstep, the inhabitants communicate through the English language. Some, however, still speak the aging Norman dialect.

The island in the bay of Saint-Malo has an unusual status and is neither a part of England nor even a crown colony, but is a British “crown possession” and thus directly subordinate to the monarchy of the big neighbor. Jersey is a slightly different island.

Image: Kiev.Victor / shutterstock

The sea surprises there with unusual tides. Green lizards scurry on the mossy walls and under the gnarled trees, the red squirrels are among the ever-omnipresent natives. Since the climate on Jersey is strongly influenced by the Gulf Stream and thus has quite mild features, even hummingbirds can be found here and there, which otherwise tend to stay in exotic areas.

At low tide, the island enlarges by a whopping forty percent and the water level drops by seven centimeters every minute. In total, the difference between low tide and high tide is up to twelve meters. This is unique in the maritime world. If you approach Jersey from the sea, you will first notice a fortress: Elizabeth Castle in the small capital St. Helier. This is a relic from the Middle Ages – a fortified and compact castle. Not for romantics, but an interesting site for historians. During their hikes, they will also find some Stone Age cult sites near La Hougue Bie or the bunkers from the Second World War, forts from Victorian times and medieval chapels.

But above all, holidaymakers in Jersey will find one thing: nature! And in their most graceful form in secluded hollow paths overgrown with greenery, in rugged rocks on the coasts and in lonely bays. As a driver, however, you should take your time on this island and pay attention to those signs that point to the “Green Lanes”. Because in these zones, the maximum speed is a whole 24 kilometers per hour. If you feel like it, you should therefore opt for a bike tour, which also has the advantage that you get used to driving on the left very quickly.

Lighthouse on Jersey, Image: Alice Sverker / shutterstock

Jersey’s gastronomy advertises with the “Big Four”. Behind it are royal potatoes, tasty lobsters, milk from the island and oysters. The restaurants have gained an international reputation, as they are almost without exception committed to the “Genuine Jersey”. This seal of approval states that the transport routes from the producer to the kitchens are short and that products from the island are processed without exception. Anyone who has enjoyed a freshly caught lobster at the Crab Shack with a view of St. Brelade’s Bay will rave about this culinary experience for a long time to come.

This island in the canal is small and presents its sights and excursion destinations in an area that measures just 14.5 by 9.0 kilometers. There you will find a beautiful zoo, the Tamba Park with the footsteps of the dinosaurs, the eerie torture chamber in the medieval fortress of Mont Orgueil, two museums in the metropolis of St. Helier and the Adventure Park on the beaches of St. Ouen, which are popular with surfers. The water sports on offer in St. Aubin’s Bay are varied.

Above all, however, the islanders’ recommendation on Jersey is: Wait and see and drink tea! Here the holidaymaker can let himself drift and enjoy the poetry of a green wonder in the sea.

Travel information Jersey

Capital Saint Helier
Form of government British Crown Dependency
Currency Jersey pound (JEP)
Area approx. 119.6 km²
Population 102,700 (2015 est.)
Languages English, French
Electricity grid 230 volts, 50 Hz
Area code +44 1534
Time zone UTC±0
UTC+1 (March to October)