So everyone is perfectly taken care of, even on holiday

Richtig vorbereitet in den Urlaub, Bild: Sorapop Udomsri / shutterstock

Annual leave is the most important time for many people. During this time, no destination is too far away and exotic destinations are always firmly in sight. If you want to travel abroad, you have to be optimally cared for on the road. There are a number of factors that need to be considered abroad. Because in other parts of the world, many things work very differently and you would do well to take a little precaution just in case.

Where do you want to go?

That is a weighty question. Quite a few take the opportunity and choose exotic and distant destinations . Many a dream holiday takes place in distant lands, but of course the home country also has some very beautiful regions to offer. The further away from home the holiday takes place, the more precautions must be taken. Only those who are also perfectly cared for abroad can really enjoy their holiday. Abroad offers not only beautiful sights and cultural highlights. Often everything is a little different here and everyone has to take that into account. It starts with small things and ends with the important things that should not be ignored when planning your trip. The following sections should therefore take a closer look at the most important points and provide a kind of guide for the perfect dream holiday.

Health insurance and vaccinations are very important

An accident can quickly happen abroad and even there no one is immune to an illness. That’s why it’s all the more important that health insurance is also valid abroad. International health insurance is mandatory and enables optimal health care in the event of an emergency. To prevent this from occurring at all, a whole range of vaccinations are recommended. These are sometimes even mandatory in the countries and those who do not have proof of vaccination cannot enter the country at all. In Germany, the RKI regularly issues recommendations for travel vaccinations. In addition, the Federal Foreign Office can provide more detailed information and clarify the topic from a legal perspective. Nothing is more annoying than when the journey has to be interrupted due to inadequate vaccination certificates. That’s why prevention is absolutely necessary here in order to be able to enjoy the dream holiday.

Organize your luggage properly and don’t take anything forbidden with you

Almost everyone knows the rule about Bibles in North Korea. Anyone who introduces such a book on a trip to the country will certainly not spend a nice vacation, but rather end up in a local penal camp. But even seemingly harmless products can have serious consequences. Of course, the bans are not limited to North Korea. Many of the products and utensils allowed here are simply not allowed to be imported in other countries, or are subject to a high customs duty. These include, for example, the CBD products popular in this country in all variants, or other medicines. Here, information before the start of the journey is vital in the truest sense of the word. The Federal Foreign Office is a useful partner here and provides travellers with all the important information about permitted and prohibited items. The embassies of the respective country in Germany can also be used to obtain information and are willing to provide information in this regard.

Cleaning the laundry: often forgotten, but always up-to-date

Nobody wants to bring dirty clothes back from vacation. But sometimes the hotel’s cleaning service is just too expensive, or there’s no washing machine on site. This is where good old hand washing helps. In the past, this was the standard, but in the course of technological development, this art was increasingly forgotten. It should never be forgotten that hand washing can be easily done anywhere. All you need is a little water, soap or washing powder and strong hands. Almost everyone has them and even if the laundry may not be 100 percent clean, it is definitely more pleasant to transport. Many forget about hand washing and think that a washing machine is automatically available abroad. But this is not the case in practice!

Enjoying your dream vacation is of course the most important thing!

The planning is complete and all preparations are complete? Then you can start right away! After proper preparation, nothing stands in the way of the holiday of dreams and it should be as pleasant as desired. Good provision is half the holiday and always saves a lot of trouble. It starts with health insurance and ends with something as mundane as washing powder. By the way, this is often not allowed to be carried on the plane, but a bar of curd soap can always be taken along. Alternatively, of course, a normal body soap can be used, or simply a little washing powder can be obtained on site. It is important that everyone feels a little at home on holiday. Because without this feeling, the most beautiful holiday is only half as pleasant. That’s the way man is! He wants to wander far away, but the best place to do it is within his own four walls.

Conclusion: Good preparation is indispensable

Within the European Union, holidaymakers have it comparatively easy and can insist on the rights of EU citizens. The situation is different, however, if distant countries are the destination. Especially in countries of the so-called Third World, the conditions are often quite different, although tourist areas have a high degree of civilization. Nevertheless, everyone should take a little precaution and obtain the necessary information during the planning phase. The Federal Foreign Office and the embassy of the respective country are always good contact addresses and enable very uncomplicated and up-to-date information procurement. The first stay abroad is always a bit complicated to prepare, but once you get used to the processes and specifications, the rest comes all by itself. The effort is worth it in any case and is indispensable. There is a lot to do from washing powder, foreign accident and health insurance, as well as the necessary vaccinations. But once the first step has been taken, the rest is easy and everyone can spend the vacation of their dreams in the country of their dreams. Relaxation and fun are guaranteed!


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