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Mallorca hat neben den bekannten Touristenorten auch viele malerische Buchten zu bieten, Bild: vulcano / shutterstock

Retirement in Mallorca

Mallorca – the pearl of the Balearic Islands is one of the most popular destinations in the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean climate, the diverse landscape, the hospitality of the inhabitants and, last but not least, the very good infrastructure are just some of the reasons why this sunny island has been one of the top travel destinations in Europe for decades.

However, the island has also made a good reputation among pensioners and pensioners. After a busy life, the omnipresent stress of everyday life and suboptimal climatic conditions, many have moved their retirement home to the Balearic island. In addition to the particularly relaxed, positive and unagitated lifestyle, Mallorca also offers an optimally developed network of social facilities and meeting places for Germans due to the high number of emigrants. This means that there is always a piece of home with them, which makes the new start on site less complicated and making friendships easier.

Living in Mallorca in old age – what are the advantages?

Many people dream of living in the south, but only a few actually dare to take this step. Especially after the end of their professional career and retirement, many people ask themselves the question: What still keeps me here and where could I enjoy my well-deserved retirement with a higher quality of life?

Mallorca is ideal as an emigration destination due to its mild climate all year round, among other things. While it can get moderately hot in summer, but the location in the sea rarely causes unpleasant heat, the island also convinces with its warm winters. The climate not only has a positive effect on the mind, but is also good for the body. Especially the small aches and pains of old age, but also one or the other serious illness, have already been greatly alleviated by moving to the Mediterranean climate zone.

Well-developed flight connections, which often connect the island several times a day with all major airports in the German-speaking world, ensure ideal accessibility. This makes it easy to organise personal contact with family at home – as well as visiting friends in Mallorca.

The financial side – How much does it cost to live in Mallorca?

The offer on the real estate market is large: From small city apartments to villas with pool and dream views, practically every wish can be fulfilled. A renowned provider with an extensive range of products is mallorcaresidencia.com. Real estate prices are at a Central European level. Financially, a German pension in Spain is a good way to make ends meet, as the income level is low even on the island of Mallorca, which is very “rich” by Spanish standards. Nevertheless, it is important and always recommended to keep a financial cushion for emergencies. Especially in the case of unforeseeable illnesses or need for care, the “nest egg” should be sufficient for the return trip to Germany in any case.

How does the perfect new start begin?

It is nice if you were able to learn a little Spanish before the move. This not only makes it easier to establish contacts in the neighbourhood, but also reduces the language barrier in everyday life, for example in the supermarket or with authorities.

Today, however, around 35,000 residents (foreigners with residence) live in Mallorca, a large proportion of whom come from German-speaking countries. German-speaking doctors, pharmacists or service providers can be found throughout the island. Products from Central Europe are also readily available in grocery stores, so culinary homesickness rarely arises.

From a legal point of view, moving to Spain is hassle-free. Thanks to the EU’s freedom of movement, residence can be chosen freely. The recipients also receive their pension abroad without any problems, while health and long-term care insurance continues in Spain . However, there are some hurdles: In addition to buying or renting a property, Spanish tax laws are sometimes a challenge. But even the biggest problem is only half as big when it is compensated by the breathtaking landscape, the view of the blue sea and the golden sandy beach almost on the doorstep.