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Ein Familienausflug mit Kind und Kegel wird besonders gern am Meer unternommen, Bild: dotshock / shutterstock

On the road with the handcart for children – so every excursion becomes an experience

Being able to spend time with loved ones is still the greatest gift for many. Excursions with the whole family are at the top of the list. But if you are planning longer activities and have small children with you, for example, you have to think very carefully about what should be packed for such an excursion. If you forget the little ones’ favourite toy when the journey has already begun, you will remember it for a long time. Because falling asleep without the beloved cuddly toy suddenly becomes a big challenge and the trip becomes an avoidable horror trip. But in order not to forget such important things, specially created excursion checklists help.

Rolling Support

Whether it’s a short day trip or a longer planned vacation by car, there are always so many things that need to come along. Often there is a lack of space here, let alone storage options. But here is the perfect solution. A foldable handcart path is ideal here and is the answer to the question “How should everything go?”. These practical helpers are very easy to assemble and stow in the car. They offer plenty of space and even a lot of fun for the little ones as an encore. Foldable handcarts are available in a wide variety of designs, i.e. in different variants and sizes. Not only all the excursion utensils such as toys or food find space here. Toddlers in particular cannot always walk longer distances without breaks. So you can simply put the little two-legged friends in the handcart and pull them comfortably behind you. This is guaranteed to be a lot of fun, not only for the little ones. So you can enjoy the excursions on holiday to the beach or into beautiful forests together stress-free.

Well prepared avoids stress

Nobody wants to have nagging and dissatisfied children with them on their family outing. This means stress not only for the actual child itself, but also for the rest of the family members. The biggest stress trigger here is hunger in first place. That’s why it’s important to be prepared here. On a trip at home or on vacation, it is advisable to have enough food and drink with you. Of course, healthy snacks, such as finely chopped pieces of fruit or sugar-free biscuits, make sense here. It is advisable to take thirst-quenching drinks with you when drinking. Water or fruit spritzers are often taken. Garbage bags you bring with you help to collect the garbage directly and properly and then dispose of it in a trash can at the next opportunity. Because you don’t always find a disposal option directly on your excursion routes. In this way, the children also learn directly how important it is to leave the environment clean.

Be prepared for anything

You should not always rely on the weather forecasts and rather be doubly hedged. You can quickly walk through the most beautiful sunshine and the next moment, it is already raining like buckets. If you haven’t packed a change of clothes here, you have to continue your way completely wet. But even if you are not in an area where it can quickly come to betting changes, it is a good idea to have a change of clothes with you. Children love to play with water. And so it can quickly happen that the stream on the way is used to take an unplanned bath. You can laugh about it when you have a change of clothes ready quickly and can dry the soaking wet child.

Making the best of an emergency situation

What parents often hear in addition to the “I’m hungry!” is “I have to go!”. In the best case, this can happen when you are at a café or a service station where you can quickly go to the toilet. But you don’t always have this situation and you’re already in the forest with no public toilet far and wide. Here you are safe if you have packed wet wipes or at least tissues.

If you like to be out and about with your family, you can look forward to it. Because in most federal states there are already enough opportunities to make the most of the time with children and experience great excursion destinations. You don’t always have to leave the country for this