Infection control while travelling: ÖKOPUR® mouth spray shows antiviral effect against coronaviruses

Der Sommer als beliebteste Reisezeit zieht viele Urlauber in den Süden. Doch gerade in Ländern wie Spanien und Portugal steigen aktuell die Inzidenzen aufgrund der sich rasch ausbreitenden Delta-Variante, Bild: AlessandroBiascioli / shutterstock

The Delta variant continues to gain ground in this country as well as in popular travel destinations. At the same time, many people are planning their summer holidays and want to make their journey by train or plane, hotel stay, but also visits to the beach and restaurants as carefree and safe as possible, especially in times of Corona. Scientific studies by the University of Innsbruck now show a high antiviral efficacy of the ÖKOPUR® mouth spray, which can significantly reduce the risk of infection wherever large crowds meet and it is difficult to keep a distance and offer additional protection – including when travelling.

Summer, the most popular travel season, attracts many holidaymakers to the south. But especially in countries such as Spain and Portugal, incidences are currently rising due to the rapidly spreading delta variant, which is particularly worrying for those who have not yet received a vaccination. Scientific laboratory tests by the Medical University of Innsbruck in cooperation with the Institute of Hygiene and Microbiology are now focusing on the mouth spray from the company ÖKOPUR® as a proven effective measure for protection against corona infection when travelling. The test results make it clear: The ÖKOPUR® mouth spray kills coronaviruses within one minute. To investigate the antiviral efficacy, different concentrations and independent incubation points were tested. A concentration of 80% caused a 100% reduction in the viral load within 60 seconds. In addition, the mouth spray was recently tested by the University of Innsbruck specifically for the Delta variant – with equally promising results.

Ökopur Mouth Spray
Image: ÖKOPUR GmbH

Everywhere with you: ÖKOPUR® mouth spray protects on the go

For travelers and vacationers, the ÖKOPUR® Mouth Spray offers a useful addition to the mask and the AHA rules, especially at the airport, on the plane, in the fullest, or in the hotel. Since it contains no alcohol, dyes, preservatives or solvents, the ÖKOPUR® Mouth Spray can be used several times a day by children from the age of 6 and thus provide additional protection for families on the go easily and effectively. 4-6 sprays are sufficient per application, which penetrate deep into the mouth and throat and form a kind of protective layer locally. In this way, the ÖKOPUR® mouth spray can significantly reduce the risk of infection when travelling. The oral spray is available both in pharmacies and online at:


Founded in 2012, ÖKOPUR® GmbH now offers an extensive range of disinfectants with the aim of producing an alternative to common alcohol-based disinfectants. In order to be able to meet the high demand, ÖKOPUR® produces the product range in the production facilities in Buchen im Odenwald and Hall in Tirol and exports its products to about 20 countries worldwide. In addition to company shareholdings for sales in Switzerland and Germany, further international participations and branches are being planned. ÖKOPUR® is a supplier on the ECHA (European Chemicals Authority) list of disinfectants and thus meets the legal requirements for the European market.

Martin Magyar
Parkweg 10
D-74850 Schefflenz
Tel. +49 (0) 6293 928 43 48

Bettina Weber
Spiegel Institut Communication GmbH & Co. KG
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Tel. +49 621-728 44-444

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