A film by leavinghomefunktion and Daniel by Rüdiger
The leaving-home function is a term used in the automotive industry. The flashing of the headlights is intended to ensure that the driver can safely route from the front door to his own car in the dark. Or that’s us five artists on four rusty motorcycles – ready to finally get going! What counts today is safety: Don’t take any incalculable risks! For us, however, “leaving-home function” means the exact opposite: leaving the safe environment, going out, without a multi-secured emergency plan, letting the realization follow chance and developing trust in the unknown.
At some point, all roads stopped and helmets were exchanged for life jackets. After a long period of tinkering, the motorcycles were converted and were able to swim 1600 km on the Kolyma River in the far east of Russia to the Arctic Ocean. The rickety sidecar motorcycles, manufactured in the former Soviet Union, set the pace of our journey. The constant mishaps initially made the project seem hopeless. The challenge was to accept failure as an almost inevitable result of one’s own action. Nevertheless, day after day, I set off again to discover with amazement that it was precisely the breakdowns that served as the key to establishing contact and allowed countless insights into kitchens, living rooms, but above all into the workshops of the local population. Only thanks to the help of all the people we met on the way, we were able to reach our destination after 43 000 kilometers on 10.01.2017 at 15:04. New York City.
Director: Daniel von Rüdiger
110 minutes (German, English, Russian with German subtitles)
Theatrical release: September 3, 2020
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