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Paris lohnt sich auch kulinarisch, Bild: Oldesign / shutterstock

Culinary delights from and in Paris

“Feast and enjoy like God in France” – this is more than just a well-known saying. It is not without reason that the fine cuisine is based on French traditions. Even today, every chef learns to make sauces, soups and many other delicacies in the old, French manner during his training. But what exactly is special about French cuisine and which highlights should you not miss in Paris , for example? We have summarized the culinary highlights of the French capital for you and just reading them will make your mouth water.

What you should definitely try in Paris

When you think of a Frenchman, you are guaranteed to think of a person with a teasing beret on his head and a baguette under his arm. And the French baguettes are really something special. They are crispy and crispy on the outside and fluffy and soft on the inside. In Paris, numerous small bakeries, so-called boulangeries, await your visit. Buy the baguette really in small, old and traditional establishments and not in the supermarket. You’ll quickly see the difference.

Even though the croissant is actually an Austrian specialty, this soft, buttery and heavenly pastry is inextricably linked to French cuisine. Since the 1830s, French bakers have been tempting with this Danish pastry. Whether for breakfast, or as a snack in between, there should always be room for a croissant. You should definitely also try a pain au chocolat. This is a typical French croissant filled with delicious chocolate. A tip: the chocolaty croissants taste best fresh from the oven.

Le Grenier à Pain is a chain with several bakery branches in Paris. If you’re in the city of love, be sure to visit one of these branches. A popular branch is located in the Montmartre district and is known for perhaps the best baguette in the whole city.

Le Pétrin Médiéval is also located in Montmartre. Baguettes and breads are traditionally baked here in a stone oven. Small, typical snacks are also available in this idyllic bakery.

The best soups in France

Of course, the French onion soup is not to be missed when it comes to the culinary delights in Paris. The strong, aromatic soup is refined by a white bread baked with cheese and is on almost every menu in Parisian restaurants.

In Paris, it is customary to eat a small, light menu for lunch. These menus are offered in most of the city’s brasseries. They usually consist of a small soup, a main course, a salad and something sweet.

Other popular traditional and authentic soups in Paris are potato soup and pea soup. The soupe au pistou, a spicy soup with vegetables, is also served here. This soup is also often served cold on hot days.

Bouillabaisse is perhaps the most famous French soup. Although it is originally from Marseille, it is also offered in most restaurants in Paris. This delicacy consists of many fish and seafood and is a celebrity in France. You should not miss it. However, bouillabaisse is very filling and should not be eaten as a soup, but as a main course.

The best Michelin-starred restaurants in Paris

Paris is the absolute leader in the field of star cuisine. During your stay in Paris, book a table at one of the gourmet temples. Paris has a high density of restaurants that have been awarded one or more Michelin stars. Why not get yourself a Michelin Guide? Here you can read which restaurants in Paris have been awarded stars.

Right next to the famous Champs Élysées is Le Taillevent. The former mansion of the Duke of Morny has been awarded two Micheline stars.

Le Pré Catelan has even been awarded three stars. This gourmet restaurant is located in the center of the Bois de Boulogne and is housed in a pavilion. Here you can dine in an absolutely elegant ambience.

The two-star Sur Mesure par Thierry Marx is located in the elegant and luxurious Mandarin Oriental Hotel. The restaurant scores with avant-garde flair and great, multi-course menus.

Street food and more in Paris

Street Food Paris
Street food is also becoming increasingly popular in Paris, Image: Ekaterina Pokrovsky / shutterstock

Even though Paris is famous for Michelin-starred cuisine, an impressive street food scene has developed here in recent years. Parisian street food is massively different from food stalls and street kitchens in Asia or even England and America. In Paris, street food stands out as affordable gourmet cuisine.

If you want to experience this breathtaking food up close, head to the Jewish Quarter. Along the Rue des Rosiers, countless bistros and delis are lined up offering street food to go. An absolute highlight here are the falafel and shwarmas.

In the first arrondissement, head to the Marché Saint-Honoré market for Parisian street food. Here you can eat enchanting burgers, which are typical American burgers, but which contain a lot of gourmet flair.

In Saint Denis, on Rue du Faubourg, you will find street food from all over the world. Here you will experience first-hand how multicultural Paris can also be in culinary terms. Whether Indian delicacies, specialties from Lebanon, Asian, Turkish, African or snacks from the Middle East, varied food trucks, bistros and stalls await you here.

In terms of culinary delights, Paris offers pure variety. Whether it’s pastries or sweet temptations in the boulangeries, gourmet menus or snacks and street food, anyone who loves to eat is guaranteed to feel like they’re in seventh heaven in Paris.

Our culinary book tip: In love with Paris

Verliebt in PAris, Hölker Verlag
© Julia Hoersch, Hölker Verlag.

If you are looking for a high-quality and lovingly designed French cookbook – and also want to get insights into the most beautiful places in the French capital, we recommend the book “In Love with Paris”.

Anne-Katrin Weber presents Parisian recipes and stories on 176 pages.


A walk through bustling Montmartre, a romantic picnic under the Eiffel Tower or a nice glass of red wine in a small bistro will make any visit to Paris unforgettable. Immerse yourself in a world of romance and discover the city’s most beautiful places and most famous love stories. Experience French savoir-vivre and enjoy the most popular classics of French cuisine – from croque madame to coq au vin and madeleines.

© Julia Hoersch, Hölker Verlag.

Anne-Katrin Weber is a trained chef and works as an author and freelance food stylist in Hamburg. She has already published numerous cookbooks and baking books with GU – including the bestsellers “Kleine Kuchen”, “Käsekuchen” and “kuchenbacken”. Her book “Backschätze” (Baking Treasures), which was recently published by GU together with Sabine Schlimm, shows her to be a versatile and creative baking specialist.

To be published on 01 January 2021, ISBN: 978-3-88117-239-4, Hölker-Verlag