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Urlaub mit Buggy, Bild: Dmitry Zimin / shutterstock

Buggy or carrier: Which is better for traveling with a baby?

Holidays with babies are just around the corner. For many parents, mobility is enormously important when travelling with children. They want to walk from the hotel to the beach, check out the sights or take a leisurely stroll through winding old towns. Are strollers or carriers better suited for a family holiday with a toddler?

Equipment depending on the baby

If parents have a pronounced baby carrier at home who completely refuses to use the stroller, then this situation will not change even on vacation. Although the idea of driving the child to sleep along the beach promenade may be nice, if something like this doesn’t work out at home, it usually doesn’t work when traveling. The same goes for buggy fans who won’t be forced into the stretcher. In principle, families should rather take the transport object with them that they also like to use at home.

Buggy transport possible on the plane?

The baby carrier or sling is very easy to stow away and can be taken anywhere without any problems. The situation is different with the stroller. When families go on holiday by car, the good piece usually goes into the trunk. But what do parents do with the buggy when traveling by plane?

The free baggage allowance is limited, but the buggy does not fall under it. This can even be posted free of charge with most airlines . It can either be placed in the cargo hold with the baggage or can be handed in at the gate. It is important that the stroller meets certain criteria for air travel, for example, it must be completely collapsible. Not all of them are easy to use, so it’s worth taking a look at these suggestions for strollers suitable for travel.

Infrastructure at the holiday destination

Strollers on holiday
On holiday with the buggy, Image: Anna Nahabed / shutterstock

The conditions in the destination country serve as a second basis for decision-making. Are there any well-developed sidewalks and sidewalks on which a stroller can be pushed comfortably? The more exotic the holiday destination, the more impassable the roads usually are. Instead, the buggy is happy to replace the high chair there, which is not necessarily available in Bali, Thailand or Latin America.

If, on the other hand, you are planning a city trip in Europe, you can assume orderly routes. Especially if an extensive sightseeing program is on the agenda, a stroller is worthwhile. Otherwise, there is a risk of tension and pain in the back and shoulder area on a full-day walking tour. No matter how good the carrier is, the baby represents an additional weight that can become exhausting in the long run.

Sling or baby carrier on a trip?

This is where an excellent tip from a professional babywearing consultant comes into play. If you are spending your holiday in countries with lower hygienic standards, it is better to pack the carrier. When putting on slings, the long straps tend to land on the floor. If the roads are dusty or sandy, the cloth gets dirty easily. In the case of baby carriers, which are designed more like a backpack, nothing usually hangs down, so greater cleanliness is guaranteed. Carriers are available for babies and toddlers of different ages. Which model is ideal should be tried out before the holiday. It is best for parents and babies to break in a new carrier well before the holiday so that the offspring already feels comfortable in it when they travel.

Double double: Best stretcher and buggy

If it is not too cumbersome, then the combination of stroller and baby carrier is best on vacation. Then parents and children are prepared for all eventualities. Depending on your needs and activity, the ideal means of transport is chosen. This guarantees a relaxing holiday.