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Vor dem Urlaub ins EU-Ausland muss man sich mit den Einreisebestimmungen vertraut machen, Bild: Alii Sher / shutterstock

Travelling abroad: important tips for a carefree holiday

12 noon, you let the sun shine on your belly at 30 degrees while you sip an exotic cocktail. All around you is a white sandy beach as far as the eye can see and every second the turquoise sea whips against the surf – holiday feeling arises!

What sounds like a dream at first can quickly turn out to be a nightmare without the necessary preparations. We’ll tell you what they are in our article.

Passport and visa – what you need to consider

Without a corresponding identification document, you will be thwarted at the latest when you leave the country. Within the European area you can easily travel with your identity card, outside a passport is required. Check the validity of your identity documents in good time. Normally, a validity of at least six months applies when leaving the country.

But I’m only traveling for two weeks, does the deadline still apply? Even if you only stay in the destination country for a few days, the rule of six months applies. This can be justified as follows: If you are the victim of an accident during your holiday, and your travel document expires during your hospital stay, there will be difficulties leaving the country. The same applies if you lose your document. That’s why it’s a good idea to make copies of your documents and keep them separate from the originals, or store them in a cloud to ensure that you can access them and show them to the relevant consulate in case of an emergency.

In addition, you should find out about the visa requirements of your destination country. Find out if you need a visa and if so, what type. Apply for it well in advance, as the process can take several weeks, depending on the country and type of visa.

Good health care requires appropriate preparation

A skeptical look at your e-mail inbox will take away your last concerns: The Tanzania visa is approved! But flights, hotels and visas are not the only aspects to consider before traveling abroad – health care also plays an important role. What is the saying? Different country, different customs and that also applies to the medical requirements.

Contact the Federal Foreign Office in good time and request information on country-specific vaccinations. Special vaccination consultations are available here to inform you about the respective regulations. Especially in the tropical regions, the following “” are considered a basic requirement:

  • Cholera
  • Rabies
  • Hepatitis A & B
  • Typhoid
  • Yellow fever

Illness abroad – what benefits does my health insurance cover?

Important to note! To prevent the spread of serious diseases, some countries require certain vaccinations. You should also contact your health insurance company in advance. Even in the case of longer stays in other EU countries, German health insurance takes effect according to the treatment catalogue of the destination country.

It will be difficult outside the EU. Due to the increased risk due to tropical climates or other conditions, the statutory health insurance companies often refuse to provide benefits in the event of medical problems. In this case, it makes sense to take out special travel health insurance.

Conclusion – Preparation is half the battle

Keep these important tips in mind when planning your next adventure. Take the time to check your travel documents, apply for visas early, and protect your health. The well-known saying applies here: Preparation is half the battle!