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Einzigartige Landschaft in Ummanz, Bild: Thorsten Stark / shutterstock

The island of Ummanz – The insider tip for nature lovers and families

Hardly anyone knows the small, tranquil island of Ummanz, but it is a real insider tip among nature lovers. Ummanz is located between the island of Hiddensee and Rügen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and is also affectionately called Rügen’s little sister. In 1901, Ummanz was connected to Rügen by a 250-metre-long bridge and can still be accessed by car or bike today.

The breathtaking flat landscape of the 20 km² island is part of the Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft National Park and attracts above all those seeking peace and quiet, hikers and families with children. Windsurfers and kitesurfers as well as canoeists and kayakers also appreciate the island’s optimal water sports conditions and enjoy the idyllic waters.

The peculiarities of the island of Ummanz

Although Ummanz is the fifth largest island in the Baltic Sea, it is the most sparsely populated island in Germany with just under 275 inhabitants. As early as 1319, the small island first appeared in the history books, because in the small village of Freesenort is the Hasenburg, whose roof looks like a sugar loaf.

The unique landscape of Ummanz is characterized by impressive avenues, dense forests and a fascinating lagoon landscape that invites you to relax, hike or cycle. But the magnificent variety of native animal species also amazes not only birdwatchers. At special observation points in spring and autumn, you can even watch the cranes resting at their rest. The numerous adventure farms are particularly popular with families with children. Here, young and old can make their first riding experiences, feed the numerous animals or practice handling a tractor.

Sights on the island of Ummanz

Birdwatching point in Tankow

White-tailed eagles, cranes and other fascinating birds can be admired at the observation point in Tankow. In spring and autumn, the cranes rest here and can be admired from the small wooden house. Between August and April, there is also an interesting crane exhibition at the Ummanzer Information.

The forest adventure trail for children

Children can discover the forest in a playful way on the two-kilometre-long forest adventure trail with its nine different adventure stations. Knowledge games, cone throwing or various courses await the little ones here, while the adults enjoy the silence of the forest on the relaxation loungers.

Rügen Miniature Park in Gingst

The leisure and miniature park not only shows the miniature replica of Rügen, but also true-to-scale models of world-famous buildings such as the Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House or Notre Dame Church. The horse racecourse, the wild water ride, the family roller coaster or the large holiday swing provide varied fun. For the little ones there is a petting zoo and a bouncy castle and the self-service restaurant provides refreshments afterwards. The park can be explored with the Emma park railway from April to November.

Haflingerhof in Heide

Probably the most varied holiday resort on the island is the Haflingerhof in the Heide district. Children and adults alike can take their first riding lessons here or admire the fascinating landscape on a horseback ride. Sports enthusiasts can book their first surfing lesson here, go on a canoe or kayak tour or explore the area by carriage.

Lighthouse of the island

Lighthouse on Ummanz
Lighthouse on Ummanz, Image: LianeM / shutterstock

The lighthouse, built in 1997, serves more the purpose of a beautiful photo motif than shipping. The 7-metre-high tower is located directly at the bridge entrance to the island and once served mainly as a kiosk and national brand. Since it has no significance for shipping, the light to protect the waterfowl is also missing.

Campsite Suhrendorf

Water sports enthusiasts in particular are drawn to Suhrendorf, because this is where they find the best wind conditions. But many bathers also enjoy the shallow Bodden water and the idyllic sunbathing lawn, where they can switch off.

Western Pomerania Lagoon Landscape National Park in Waase

In the first small village of the island, there is an extensive exhibition about the history and development of the island.

Parish Church of St. Mary in Kirchdorf

In the small Protestant parish church, there are numerous rare late Gothic carvings such as the lay altar to marvel at.

Handwerkerstube in Gingst

A historical exhibition about the traditional craftsmanship of the past centuries can be admired in the Gingst craftsmen’s room. The museum also has a café and a shop where you can still buy real handicrafts.

Karls Erdbeerhof Adventure Village in Zirkow

The largest and most popular amusement park for families is located on Rügen in Zirkow. Here, adults and children alike can let off steam on over 35000 m² and then fortify themselves in the many restaurants and cafés.

The most beautiful beaches in the area

The beaches on Rügen are among the most beautiful Baltic Sea beaches and attract numerous bathers every year. In addition, many of the beaches are also monitored by the DLRG and are therefore particularly safe, especially for families with children.

The most popular beaches on Rügen include Binz, Suhrendorf, Glowe, Göhren, Thiessow, Lobbe, Juliusruth, Baabe and Sellin. If you like it quieter and are looking for lonely, secluded beaches, you are in good hands on the partly stony beaches of Goos, Nonnewitz, Wittow, Palmer Ort, Gelbes Ufer, Rosengarten, Wreechen and Südperd Thiessow.

Events in and around Ummanz

A number of events that take place annually on Rügen ensure a varied holiday. The most popular festivals in summer are the Störtebeker Festival, the Seebrückenfest in Göhren and the Viking Days with live music. The Rügen Harbour Days in Sassnitz always take place on the second weekend in July and are also the largest folk festival on the island.

Must-try food

True fish fans should not miss out on the good fish of the Baltic Sea . The classics here clearly include the fish sandwiches and smoked fish directly from the cutter at the Sassnitz harbour.