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Mit dem Kreuzfahrtschiff die schönsten Strände, Inseln und Länder bereisen – Kreuzfahrten verbinden das Erlebnis einer Rundreise mit dem Komfort eines Sterne-Hotels, Bild: Denis Belitsky / shutterstock

Corona measures on cruises

Before the peak of the Corona crisis, hardly any other area of tourism was able to record such steady and massive growth as the cruise industry. The reputation of cruises has changed within a very short time and many travelers wanted to take the opportunity to explore the most beautiful destinations in the world on one of the luxurious ocean liners. With the end of the third wave, traffic is picking up speed again and cruises in the Mediterranean in particular are enjoying great popularity again. What has changed since Covid and what are the most beautiful destinations with a cruise in the Mediterranean now?

The classic: cruises in the Mediterranean

The idea of cruises in the Mediterranean is so old that even in the late Middle Ages, aristocrats and the well-heeled took the opportunity to visit the most interesting port cities in the world. This pleasure is no longer only available to those with a big budget. Cruises in the Mediterranean are affordable due to the sheer mass of providers and offer exactly the trips you want for your own wishes. There are trips that last several weeks and short trips, where the main aim is to see as many interesting cities as possible in the shortest possible time.

Especially the area between Spain, France and Italy attracts with a variety of interesting port cities and many opportunities for excursions in the countryside. Cities such as Marseille, Venice, Rome, Naples or the islands of Sicily and Sardinia offer a deep insight into the cultures of the countries and are among the most beautiful places in the world. The advantage of a cruise when exploring the Mediterranean is clear: During the day, you can be pampered by the program on board, enjoy exclusive food and great opportunities for leisure activities. In the evening you lie in a comfortable bed and when you wake up in the morning, you are already in the next port and before the next city, which you can explore on your own or with supervised tours.

Cruises after Covid – what has changed?

Cruises were certainly one of the areas where the Covid pandemic hit hardest. Due to the isolated environment, infections in this area were a problem, especially before the design of hygiene concepts and measures. After a long break during which the ocean liners were no longer sailing, the industry has now adapted to the situation and implemented a variety of interesting concepts to protect visitors.

In addition to the general obligation to vaccinate on ships, regular testing has also become a standard. Both during boarding and in the event of an existing case on the ship, tests are mandatory. If there is an outbreak, there is care on board without the trip having to be completely interrupted for the rest of the guests. In addition, larger crowds are avoided – the buffets, for example, are provided with clear time options so that there are not too many people in the dining room.

All in all, the industry has adapted to the new challenges and has done everything possible to ensure that visitors can return to the ship with a feeling of safety and devote themselves entirely to relaxation and adventure on the journey to different destinations.