5 utensils that should not be missing on a hiking holiday

Der Jakobsweg in Portugal, Bild: Martin Schuetz / shutterstock

A hiking holiday is more than just a short excursion. In most cases, it is a multi-day hiking tour that is done in individual stages. Not only professional hikers are enthusiastic about it, but beginners also enjoy routes such as the Way of St. James for beginners. But in order for the trip to be a unique experience and not a disaster, you need the right luggage. The following five utensils should not be missing, otherwise the holiday will simply not be perfect.

1. The camera must be there

Whether it’s the Camino Portugues or any other route, without a camera, a hiking holiday is a pure disaster. Think carefully about whether the camera of your smartphone is sufficient or whether you prefer to rely on a high-quality SLR to really capture all the wonderful impressions of nature. When choosing a camera, make sure it’s not too heavy, as you’ll need to carry it with you all the way along the trail. If you are exploring the Camino de Santiago by bike , it is worth getting a camera bag to mount it on your bike.

2. Sunglasses should not be missing

You will walk through warm areas during your hiking holiday and will not always be able to avoid the sun. But nothing is more unpleasant than looking into glaring sunlight and so sunglasses are a very important factor on holiday so that you can always keep an eye on your surroundings. Be careful not to choose a cheap model, but sunglasses that provide sufficient UV protection for your eyes.

3. Sunscreen so that the skin thanks you

Even if you do the Camino de Santiago in autumn, when the temperatures are still warm but no longer hot, there is a risk of sunburn. You are in the fresh air for several hours a day, the UV light flows into your skin and the risk of burning yourself is high. With a little pre-tan from home and a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor, you can almost always avoid sunburn.

4. Blister plasters must be in your luggage

After several hours of hiking, your feet burn, even if the sections of the route were not that strenuous. To ensure that you do not feel any permanent impairments, you should never do without blister plasters, but always have them in your luggage. Make sure that they are high-quality and padded blister plasters, classic plasters are unsuitable because they cannot protect your feet optimally. They are available in different pack sizes, the box should be chosen so that you can always have it in your luggage during each stage.

5. The power bank for in between

Society is more technologized than ever and if you want to take your vacation pictures with your smartphone camera, you urgently need a power bank. This is the only way to ensure that you don’t suddenly run out of juice during the hike because you have spent too long on the navigation system. Make sure you have a power bank that has enough juice to charge your phone battery on the go. Solar models are particularly innovative, as they can be recharged by the light of the sun and thus always provide new electricity.

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