Wellness has been a term for several years now, which is always used when it comes to doing something good for yourself, your body and your soul. And that means a holiday far away from disturbing influences. Wellness holiday in the tranquility of nature. However, the term wellness is not an invention of the modern age. The word appeared in the Oxford dictionary as early as 1654 as “wealnesse” and was translated as “good health”. From this , Halbert Dunn, an American social physician, developed the word wellness in the 1950s, a neologism from the two English terms wellbeing and fitness. He focused on positive health and distanced himself from what is still understood by health today, namely not being sick.
Nutritional awareness and fitness
However, his wellness idea was initially not well received. The idea that diseases do not stand on their own, but must be seen in a context, seemed too far-fetched. Dunn knew that lifestyle, environment, working conditions and social relationships have a major influence on the development of diseases and their causes. It was not until the 1970s that Dunn received support from two American colleagues: Dr. John W. Travis and Donald B. Ardell. They defined the term wellness more precisely. According to her, wellness is an attitude to life that consists of satisfaction and well-being. To achieve this state, several factors are required: nutritional awareness, fitness, stress management and self-responsibility. This holistic approach, as it can also be found in alternative medicine, is intended to lead to the harmony of soul, mind and body. Halbert Dunn is the father of the wellness movement, but Travis and Ardell gave it the right momentum to worldwide popularity. Although it took until the 1980s for the concept to find its way to Europe.
The focus is on one’s own needs
Today, wellness holidays in Germany are absolutely trendy. Those who treat themselves to this form of vacation want more than beach and sun, but rather focus on themselves and their needs. The offers of wellness hotels are extensive: nutrition, fitness, relaxation, massages, sauna, spas and much more are included in this all-round wellness package. If you can, you can not only treat yourself to a weekend in a wellness oasis, but also say goodbye for a week or even two.
Nature and tranquility

The most important thing for a relaxing wellness holiday is undoubtedly the environment. No matter how many massages, sauna sessions or yoga exercises are offered. They are of no use if it takes place in a hotel on a busy street. Therefore, it is the top priority: Pay attention to the location of the wellness oasis. Whether at a lake, in the mountains, in the park or in the forest. The main thing is peace and lots of nature. This is the only way to create the freedom and to blow your mind through in healthy air outside of the treatments. Be it jogging, cycling or just going for a walk.
Vitality cuisine as a wellness principle
By the way, good wellness hotels can be recognised, among other things, by the fact that they run a so-called vitality kitchen according to the wellness principle. This means that the menu must include wholesome dishes as well as vegetarian or vegan dishes. Fruit and vegetables must be fresh and organically grown, meat must come from species-appropriate animal husbandry. And of course, the chef takes into account the wishes and preferences of his guests.
No compulsion to do anything
The range of services offered by a wellness hotel is usually very extensive. This starts with massages and does not end with the sauna. However, if you decide to take this kind of time-out, you should make sure from the beginning that you don’t sign up for every sports and yoga program, hop from one massage table to another and do three sauna sessions a day. Stress has no access to the wellness paradise. In addition, wellness is a very individual matter. Everyone has different ideas about such a time-out and can put together their own desired program. If you want to swim at noon, good. If you just want to spend a day in a deck chair in the park, that’s fine. And if you put on your jogging shoes early in the morning and want to end the evening with a glass of wine. Optimally. No one should feel forced to do anything. No matter what is offered. If you don’t feel like fitness equipment or a massage with the hot stones, just don’t do it. A wellness holiday is about very individual needs. And these should be taken into account.
Wellness thoughts in everyday life
Every holiday comes to an end. But the idea of wellness, as Halbert Dunn had formulated it, should definitely be taken with you into your stressful everyday life. Such a stay gives food for thought for the time afterwards. It teaches the art of a balanced lifestyle, conveys a harmonious relationship between active and passive, offers incentives for healthy eating and shows the way to physical fitness. And if work threatens to devour you again in the meantime, you can book your next wellness holiday to recharge your batteries.
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