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Kategorie – Ukraine

Ukraine, the largest country in Europe, inspires with an impressive variety of landscapes, cultures and history.

In the capital, Kyiv, you’ll find magnificent Orthodox cathedrals, historic streets, and bustling markets. Lviv (Lviv) enchants with its well-preserved old town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Carpathian Mountains are ideal for hiking and skiing, while Ukraine’s green plains are home to quaint villages and hospitality.

Ukrainian cuisine is hearty and tasty, with dishes such as borscht, vareniki and pierogies.

Experience the hospitality of the people, the cultural diversity and the fascinating history of Ukraine. A country that has a lot to offer for adventure seekers as well as for history and nature lovers.

Lost Place after reactor accident: Chernobyl

On April 26, 1986, the nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine shook the world. The disaster established an exclusion zone with a radius of 30 kilometers around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Today, there are many different, abandoned places in this exclusion zone. The ghost town of Pripyat is also part of the rather post-apocalyptic...

Lviv – a metropolis in Ukraine with a varied cultural programme

When looking for interesting short holiday destinations, the choice does not always have to fall on large Western European metropolises such as Paris or Barcelona . Rather, rather unknown or forgotten cities can also have a very special charm away from mass tourism. One such city is Lviv in Ukraine. Lviv is located in the west of Ukraine and from here about 90...

Kiev – capital of Ukraine

It is with great horror that we see the sad images from Ukraine. We have decided to leave the following article from 2019 unchanged for the time being in order to present the beauty of the city of Kyiv before the outbreak of the war. Our thoughts are with the families on site. Kiev is the capital and largest city in the northern part of Ukraine. Divided by the wide...

Ukraine – at the interface between East and West

It is with great horror that we see the sad images from Ukraine. We have decided to leave the following article from 2018 unchanged for the time being in order to present the beauty of Ukraine before the outbreak of the war. Our thoughts are with the families on site. Behind the slightly pale windows of the train, the meadows glide by, and the rays of the early sun...